Timely Individual Tax Planning based on accurate, up to date and complete information is the key to minimizing your individual income tax liability. Communication throughout the year is the key to taking advantage of applicable tax savings opportunities. I am proactive in maintaining a face to face, continuous contact. Through strategic planning we can take advantage of available options that can save you money. Taking advantage of current technology can make keeping your financial records fairly easy. Ask me about it.

Maintaining close personal connection enables us to be well informed about both, the ever changing life circumstances and tax code. It enables continuous updating of your Personal Tax Plan and such keeping it relevant, as well as compliant with current applicable, federal tax codes and state laws. There are tax saving opportunities that can be missed if not addressed in a timely manner.
My Tax Planning strategies are being designed throughout the year, not just at year end. Careful consideration relates to both, long and short term goals to fit your unique set of circumstances.
Individual Income Tax Preparation
IRS Representation
Personal Books Maintenace
Personal Financing assistance
Retirement planning
Income Tax Planning

Recent IRS Nationwide Tax Forum held several seminars related to handling the IRS Notices and related penaties. Statistics clearly indicate an advantage of having a professional representation in solving cases with the IRS. We are trained to use tax law to your benefit. With the increased shift of the IRS matters being addressed via correspondence, the success of your case outcome can be altered if handled by a professional.
Be sure to forward timely all corrspondence from the IRS or local government, to your Tax Professional. Time is of the Essence, so please do not delay it, as most responses are required within specific time limitations. If neglected, it will create additional obstacles to solving your case to your advantage.
Having IRS Problems, contact your IRS Problem Solver, Your CPA!
"Eva Felker has been my accountant for personal and business affairs since 2005. At one time I had 3 small businesses running at the same time in some very complex income scenarios. She worked with me efficiently to get businesses of the ground as well as maintain the existing ones that I had. Eva is also my representative to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. In this stead she handled a tax audit for the 2006 tax year. In this situation she worked with me, and negotiatd with the IRS. What she did was tantamount to a miracle as she reduced the penalty and interest to $0.00, and reduced my oveall additional payment to 18% of what the IRS originally assessed.
Eva is relentless in her attention to detail. She is a consummate professional in my opinion, and has always given thoughtful financial advice. Her skill as an accountant is only part of her skill. Eva brings to the table a pragmatic approach to solving problems, and a yearning to understand other businesses so that the services she provides will have the most value."
J. Davis
I specialize in providing traditional, personal and friendly approach at an affordable cost, combined with the convenience of taking advantage of the latest technology.